Three Fossil Discoveries Clarify the Murky Origins of Life
from John Noble Wilford's "Three Fossil Discoveries Clarify the Murky Origins of Life," New York Times, Oct. 31,1995, C1-C7 (excerpted in Reilly's Worlds of History reader.

This article from the New York Times was written to inform readers about developments in science. What current developments does the author report? What is the significance of the date for the first multi-cellular life forms? What was the "Cambrian Explosion" of life forms?

Thinking Historically

After you read the article, note the importance mentioned: 4.6 billion years ago, 3.8 billion years years ago, and 543 million years ago.
  Create a time line by running a line across the bottom of a notebook page and marking off ten equal sections. On the far left, label the first notch 5 billion years ago, the next 4.5 billion years ago, and so on until you reach 0.5 billion years ago. At the far right, the last notch, write "today." Next, note on your time line the dates mentioned in the article -to simplify matters, you might round them off to increments of 0.5 billion years.
  Now recall what these dates mean. Think of each date as a turning point in the history of life on Earth. Write a one-paragraph history of life on Earth that includes these dates. Illustrate your history by drawing a graph -using your time line as the basis -to show the increase in life forms during the last five billion years. Could you argue that your paragraph and graph constitute a "world history" ?
  Last, note how often scientists and universities from various parts of the world are mentioned in the article. Try to find these locations on a world map. What does the participation of these different people tell you about science today ?

Life, as far as scientists can tell, gained a foothold on earth almost as rising above its tell, gained a foothold on earth almost as soon as possible, then took an exceedingly long time rising above its simple origins, and finally, 530 million years ago, erupted in a springtime of riotous proliferation. In an astonishingly brief time, insects, earthworms, corals, sponges, mollusks, and animals with rudimentary backbones -all the major body plans of today -made their first appearance in what is known as the Cambrian Explosion.
  But there are many yawning gaps in this early history of life, and so scientists welcomed reports last week of three discoveries. The reports offered important refinements in the timing of three events that have puzzled scientists trying to reconstruct the mysterious first steps in the emergence of life. The events are the introduction of large multi-cellular organisms, the existence of some flat jellyfish-like organisms as possible predecessors of Cambrian life, and the emergence of chordates, the core group of vertebrates that would eventually include humans.
  Dr. Steven M. Stanley, a paleontologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said the findings were the latest manifestation of a "really exciting and most important activity in the field, the development of much better chronologies that constrain our views of what actually happened."
  In the beginning, 4.6 billion years ago, the planet was covered with molten rock and bombarded steadily by swarms of meteorites. Not until the surface cooled down about 4 billion years ago could there be life, the first evidence for which are 3.8 billion-year-old fossils of a kind of blue-green algae similar to pond scum. These were simple organisms with single cells lacking nuclei. It was apparently another 2 billion years before more complex cells with nuclei evolved. Until recently, little evidence existed for multi-cellular organisms before a billion years ago.
  Now, digging in sediments in northern China near Jixian, Chinese geologists say they have gathered evidence suggesting a much earlier emergence of more complex life than previously thought. They found more than 300 fossils of leaf-like multi-cellular plants that lived on the sea floor 1.7 billion years ago. These were described as resembling longfengshanids, which lived 700 million years later and were assumed to be the earliest reliably dated multi-cellular organisms.
  The Chinese scientists acknowledged the discovery in Michigan of an even older spaghetti-shaped organism, but suggested that it and other early fossils " are not confidently interpreted " as multi-cellular plants.
  Writing in the current issue of the journal Science, Dr. Zhu Shixing and Dr. Chen Huineng of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences in Tianjin said the newly discovered fossils "imply that mega-scopic multi-cellular organisms originated 1.7 billion years ago or earlier. " As such, they added, the new data "have implications for the understanding of the evolution and other related aspects of Precambrian life. "
  Another discovery may solve the mystery of what has been called a "broken link" in the poorly understood evolutionary chain prior to the Cambrian Explosion.
  For half a century, scientists have not known what to make of creatures resembling jellyfish that were found in ancient sediments of the Ediacara Hills of southern Australia and subsequently in fossil beds elsewhere in the world. Were these plants or animals? Precursors of later life or a failed experiment in biological innovation that came to a dead end? The problem was determining exactly when they lived and if, as it once seemed, they died out before the Cambrian Explosion and thus could not be directly ancestral to any of the new life forms.
  Applying more precise dating technologies to Ediacaran fossils from the deserts of Namibia in southern Africa, geologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University determined that the youngest organisms had indeed survived into the early period of the Cambrian, 543 million years ago. The team, led by Dr. John Grotzinger of M.I. T ., reported the results in Science.
  "If Grotzinger and company are correct, that's excellent news," Dr. Simon Conway Morris, a paleontologist at Cambridge University in England, was quoted as saying in an accompanying article in the journal.
  Scientists said the new evidence left open the possibility that there was after all no broken link in the evolutionary chain and that Ediacaran organisms could have played a role in the development of a multitude of flora and fauna that characterize the Cambrian period and are the predecessors of life on earth today.
  Dr. Samuel Bowring, an M.I. T. geologist on the research team, said, "What this shows is that evolution likely proceeded smoothly as opposed to having a period of evolution followed by an extinction, which would open ecological niches allowing other life forms to develop."
  The dating was done on grains of the mineral zircon found in trace amounts in volcanic ash. By analyzing the decay rates of uranium into lead, the geologists obtained dates for the fossil-bearing sediments that they say are accurate to within plus or minus one million years, a refinement previously unattainable on samples that old.
  "Five to ten years ago, being able to date something to within five million years was a major achievement," Dr. Bowring said. "The more precisely we can resolve time, the more sophisticated the evolutionary questions we can address. "
  Dr. Stanley of Johns Hopkins suggested that the Ediacaran fossil record might have been deceptive. Evidence for these soft-bodied organisms from the sea floors was found in such profusion in sediments just before the Cambrian period because nothing was scavenging on them at that time. Then the fossils seemed to disappear. Was this the sign of a true extinction, or merely an absence of fossil remains of that particular life? With the greater diversity of life in the Cambrian, he said, there could have been many scavengers munching on the Ediacara organisms before they had a chance to become fossils.
  The most abundant remains of animal life originating in the Cambrian period are found in the Burgess Shale, fossil beds in the Canadian Rockies that have been the main source of knowledge about this time. But for the last decade, paleontologists have been mining an important new source at Chengjiang in the Chinese province of Yunnan, which was the site of the third discovery reported last week.
  An international team of scientists described finding what may be the earliest known representative of the Chordate, the branch of the animal kingdom that includes vertebrates and two lesser known allied forms of life. Previous generations of scientists had thought that chordates evolved in the later Ordovician geological period. Later evolution, they liked to think, could imply advanced and special status to the branch of life leading to humans.
  In a report in the journal Nature, Dr. Lars Ramskold, a paleontologist at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, and colleagues said they had identified 525-million-year-old fossils of a strange, fishlike creature, which they have named Yunnanozoon lividum. One of the characteristics linking the specimen to chordates is its notochord, the precursor of a spinal column.
  The researchers said Yunnanozoon appeared to belong to the division of chordates known as cephalochordates, which are closely related to backboned animals, including humans, but not of them. Current representatives of the group include amphioxus, a shy marine creature.
  The identification of the new specimen as a chordate will be controversial, scientists said. The only other possible chordate from the Cambrian period, the Pikaia from the Burgess Shale, has not been described in a sufficiently detailed report and so has yet to be accorded full scientific standing. But the discoverers of the Chengjiang fossil said that the presence of one division of chordates in the Cambrian period indicated that the entire branch probably existed then as well.
  In a commentary accompanying the chordate report, Dr. Stephen Jay Could, a Harvard paleontologist and evolutionary biologist, said the "unambiguously identified chordate from the still earlier Chengjiang fauna now seals the fate" of previous efforts to assert the specialness of human ancestry by separating it from the herd of new Cambrian animal forms.

"So much for chordate uniqueness marked by slightly later evolution," he wrote." As for our place in the history of life, we are of it, not it."